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Three-dimensional transformer with wound core

Three-dimensional transformer with wound core



Some customer names


Line 3 of step-down station of Yangquan Weiyun Region, Line 1 step-down station of Xinhua West Street, Second Mine Taonan step-down station and so on

Product application case:

Second Mine Taonan Step-down Station S13-M.RL-315/10     

Line 1 Step-down Station of Xinhua West Street S13-M.RL-400/10 

Line 3 of step-down station of Yangquan Weiyun Region S13-M.RL-400/10

Contact information

Submit your inquiry

Your local Huaxin Sales Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788
Submit your inquiry

Your local Huaxin Service Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788
Submit your inquiry

Your local Huaxin Cooperation Team

  • NameKai Wang
  • Address26254 Prima Way Santa Clarita,CA 91350
  • PhoneChina:15234310529,US:+1 9095606525
  • FaxChina:+86 (0)353-4909788

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