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Electromagnetic wire series

Paper-wrapped flat copper wire and flat aluminum wire

The product is formed by winding nomex paper, cable paper and polyimide film on the high-quality copper (aluminum) conductor, so that the film and the conductor are bound as a whole. The product has good voltage resistance and small insulation thickness, and the heat resistance is up to 220℃. It is mainly used for winding of the motor, reactor, electric welding machine or other similar electrical products.

  • Conductor material: 

    The aluminum flat wire shall conform to provisions in GB5584.3-2009, and resistivity at 20℃ shall not be larger than 0.0280Ωmm2/m.
    The aluminum flat wire shall conform to provisions in GB5584.2-2009, and resistivity at 20℃ shall not be larger than 0.017241Ωmm2/m.

    After wide edge bending and narrow edge bending of the paper-wrapped line on the round bar specified in the following table, the wrapping layer shall be free of cracked or naked conductor:  

    Nominal dimension / mm

    Round bar diameter






















    Breakdown voltage of the paper-wrapped copper (aluminum) wire (enterprise standards):

    Insulation thickness / mm

    The breakdown voltage shall not be less than

    Nominal value










  •  Aluminum flat wire

        Dimension of the narrow edge a: 1.00mm - 8.00mm
        Dimension of the wide edge b: 3.00mm - 25.00mm

    Copper flat wire
        Dimension of the narrow edge a: 0.90mm - 5.60mm
        Dimension of the wide edge b: 2.00mm - 16.00mm
        If specifications selected exceed the above scope, please contact us

  • It has the advantages of smooth conductor surface, uniform dimensions and tensile strength, low resistivity and other advantages. The temperature resistance indexes of such products include four levels of 130, 155, 180 and 220 at present, and the insulation thickness generally includes four levels of 20, 30, 40, and 50. It can be taken as the finished product, and can also be taken as the in-progress product.

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